Ullmann / Swell

EN Music
Ullmann / Swell’s The Chicago Plan Steve Swell (trombone), Gebhard Ullmann (tenor saxophone, bass clarinet) Fred Lonberg-Holm (cello and electronics), Michael Zerang (drums)  at Bar Gabrijel in Cerkno / Slovenia, 16th of February...

Start of crowdfunding slowly approaching

EN News
“This is not a book for lovers and connoisseurs of jazz. This is a book for lovers of music, and for lovers of photography who love music.” Sonja Porle, writer In a month or two I am starting crowdfunding for my new book “Cloud Arrangers”. If interested to support or order it, kindly invited to...


EN News
 Mats Gustafsson’s book Discaholics and his interviews collection with record collectors. There are few of my pictures inside. Published at Marhaug Forlag, Here is quite fresh article about it in Norwegian...

R.I.P. Jernej Sugman

EN News
Profesionalno sva se srecala samo nekajkrat. Nazadnje leta 2013, ko sem bil angaziran za portretiranje igralskega ansambla SNG Drame. Jernej Sugman spada na majhen spisek ljudi, katere mocno obcudujem v njihovem obstajanju in delovanju.  Pocivaj v miru Jernej, te ze pogresam! Professionally we met only few times. Last time in 2013, when I was taking...

Christmas Artmarket / Bozicni Artmarket

EN News
Will be there with my pictures. Kindly invited to Christmas Artmarket 2017 in Ljubljana. Tam bom z mojimi fotografijami. Vljudno vabljeni na Bozicni Artmarket 2017 v Ljubljano. Okvirčki za nove mini miniature z nekaj novimi motivi v velikosti 10x10cm za Bozicni Artmarket so pripravljeni- letos bo na voljo tudi nekaj crnih. Se vidimo? Vabljeni v...

Shooting short presentation video

EN News
Getting opinion from Paul Lovens​, Hamid Drake, Kaja Draksler, Mats Gustafsson, Evan Parker / about  my upcoming book “Cloud Arrangers” and why music photography is so important – for short video presentation of the book; at Konfrontationen / Nickelsdorf  and Trboje /Slovenia, 2017; at the beginning of 2018 will start with Kickstarter or Indiegogo crowd...

History facts

EN News
My first “Jazzy-ga!” web site, designed by Vuk Cosic in 1996  – at that time we scanned in darkroom made prints – no digital camera around – phone numbers, emails and address not usable...

31 years

EN News
I just found out, that I am celebrating 31 years, since I started exploring and documenting music world – I missed 30th anniversary ;). Let’s say, it all begun with this concert – Miles Davis at Sava Center in Belgrade, 26th of October...