Portraits / Tribute to Brötzmann

Hamid Drake, Caspar Brotzmann, Mats Gustafsson, Jason Adasiewicz
EN Music
3 Nights In Tribute To Peter Brötzmann at Pardon, To Tu // Warsaw, Poland // 27.-29-05.2024 Portraits of the musicians and other participants at the event dedicated to the legacy of the late European free jazz pioneer Peter Brötzmann: Caspar Brötzmann, Mats Gustafsson, John Corbett, Joe McPhee, Hamid Drake, Paal Nilssen-Love, Keiji Haino, Jason Adasiewicz, Mette Rasmussen,...

Exhibition at Pardon To Tu, Warsaw

EN News
3 Nights In Tribute To Peter Brötzmann at Pardon, To Tu // Warsaw, Poland // 27.-29-05.2024 This has been a special year. We were able to publish a new photography book “Brötzmann In my focus”, dedicated to the legacy of the pioneer of free jazz in Europe. The launch of the Kickstarter fundraising campaign in...

Razstava v Križevcih

EN News
Osem fotografij  velikih formatov (185x125cm) bo razstavljenih na RePannonia festivalu v Križevcih pri Ljutomeru / Slovenija. Otvoritev v sredo 26. junija 2024 ob 18h. Bo del skupinske inštalacije “Veliki formati”, katere avtorji so še Boštjan Kavčič, Špela Šedivy in Robert Jurak. Fotografije katere razstavljam: Kolaž Miniature – podobe različnih tematik; narava, živali, abstrakcije.  Pod sloganom...

New upcoming photo book

EN News
On 23rd of May, on my 60th anniversary, will start Kickstarter crowdfunding for my new upcoming book “Brötzmann, In my focus”. It will be dedicated to Peter Brötzmann (6 March 1941 – 22 June 2023) a German musician, pioneer of European free jazz. Pre-launch page on a Kickstarter already activated! Few facts about upcoming book:...

Exhibition at Pardon To Tu

EN News
Just day after a launch of Kickstarter crowdfunding for my new upcoming photo book “Brötzmann, In my focus” (save the date, 23rd of May”), I go to one of the best jazz clubs in Europe, Pardon To Tu in Warsaw (Poland). I am excited that my exhibition, will present part of the pictures from my...

Fire! Orchestra CBA

EN Music
Fire! Orchestra CBA @Teatro Gian Andrea Dragoni organised by Area Sismica Meldola / Italy 21.nov.2021 ©Ziga Koritnik, 2021 Mats Gustafsson – saxophones Johan Berthling – bass Mads Forsby – drums Susana Santos Silva – trumpet Mats Äleklint – trombone Anna Högberg – alto sax Mette Rasmussen – alto sax Zoe Pia – launeddas Gabriele Mitelli...

Fire! Orchestra

EN Discs
Fire! Orchestra “Arrival” Mariam Wallentin- voice Sofia Jernberg – voice Anna Lindal – violin Josefin Runsteen – violin Katt Hernandez- violin Leo Svensson- cello Susana Santos Silva- trumpet Per Texas Johansson -oboe bass clarinet, contrabass clarinet Christer Bothén- bass clarinet, contrabass clarinet Isak Hedtjärn- bb clarinet, alto saxophone Mats Gustafsson– baritone sax Tomas Hallonsten –...

The Thing

EN Music
So easy to drive on 14th of April 2018, in Maribor at Narodni dom to hear and meet  The Thing (Mats Gustafsson, Paal Nilssen – Love and Ingebrigt Håker Flaten. They presented a brand new album “Again”, that you can get at Trost...