This is already the third album cover I made for Matija Krecic. The first CD, “Coronae” was made in 2006 (Matija made album together with Gasper Banovec), the second CD “Architexture” in 2015, and the last one came out in the spring of 2020. We took he photo for the album “Cut” in the butcher shop in Skofja Loka / Slovenia. Always a pleasure to work with him.
Matija Krecic "Cut" / making-offMatija Krecic "Cut" / making-off
Matija Krecic "Cut" / making-offMatija Krecic "Cut" / making-off
Matija Krecic "Cut" / making-offMatija Krecic "Cut" / making-off
Matija Krecic "Cut" / cover of the CDMatija Krecic "Cut" / cover of the CD
Matija Krecic "Cut" / Delo 11.5.2020Matija Krecic "Cut" / Delo 11.5.2020