My first international exhibition was in 1996 at Saalfelden jazz festival. For that occasion I made my first publication dedicated to music, a book / catalogue “Jazzy-ga!”. I have been sending it around and one of its destinations was Skopje jazz festival. That was publication that persuaded director Oliver Belopeta to invite me photographing at the festival. Since then I am their “house” photographer. Meanwhile I was working for many other festivals like Druga Godba, Musica Sulle Bocche, Ai Confini Tra Sardegna E jazz, Jazz festival Ljubljana,…One of the highlights I experienced in Skopje, was Ornette Coleman’s concert. On picture I am showing you today is Ornette at the airport, just few minutes after he arrived to Macedonia. We all were so excited we will have possibility to hear him again live. I am really happy, I had possibility to see few of his concerts – Vienna (Austria), Skopje (Macedonia), Ljubljana (Slovenia), Zagreb (Croatia) and Montreal (Canada). This and picture from Montreal jazz festival(picture with festival prize) will appear in the book too.
Will be grateful if you would support my book of photographies on Kickstarter, to become a reality.Thank you!
Ornette Coleman / Skopje jazz festival 200Ornette Coleman / Skopje jazz festival 200