Exhibition at Pardon To Tu, Warsaw

EN News
3 Nights In Tribute To Peter Brötzmann at Pardon, To Tu // Warsaw, Poland // 27.-29-05.2024 This has been a special year. We were able to publish a new photography book “Brötzmann In my focus”, dedicated to the legacy of the pioneer of free jazz in Europe. The launch of the Kickstarter fundraising campaign in...

Razstava v Križevcih

EN News
Osem fotografij  velikih formatov (185x125cm) bo razstavljenih na RePannonia festivalu v Križevcih pri Ljutomeru / Slovenija. Otvoritev v sredo 26. junija 2024 ob 18h. Bo del skupinske inštalacije “Veliki formati”, katere avtorji so še Boštjan Kavčič, Špela Šedivy in Robert Jurak. Fotografije katere razstavljam: Kolaž Miniature – podobe različnih tematik; narava, živali, abstrakcije.  Pod sloganom...

New upcoming photo book

EN News
On 23rd of May, on my 60th anniversary, will start Kickstarter crowdfunding for my new upcoming book “Brötzmann, In my focus”. It will be dedicated to Peter Brötzmann (6 March 1941 – 22 June 2023) a German musician, pioneer of European free jazz. Pre-launch page on a Kickstarter already activated! Few facts about upcoming book:...

Exhibition at Pardon To Tu

EN News
Just day after a launch of Kickstarter crowdfunding for my new upcoming photo book “Brötzmann, In my focus” (save the date, 23rd of May”), I go to one of the best jazz clubs in Europe, Pardon To Tu in Warsaw (Poland). I am excited that my exhibition, will present part of the pictures from my...

Joe McPhee reading his poem

EN News
Joe McPhee reading his poem “For the Peter Brötzmann Chicago 10tet (1997-2012) at journey’s end”.  I am so happy and honoured, that he contributed it for my upcoming photo book. © of the poem Joe McPhee, 2012 © recorded by Ziga Koritnik,...

Announcements in media – support the project!

EN News
Only with enough of the support, project  “Brötzmann, In my focus” on Kickstarter, the upcoming new photo book will be realised (even the smallest support counts).  In this post I will try to keep all project-related posts up to date here. Both from the media and individual supporters. Thank you all very much!  Meanwhile, I...

Hraški konji

EN News
Ob Evropskem tednu mobilnosti 2021, me je Občina Medvode povabila k sodelovanju in pripravi razstave posvečene Hraškim konjem. Razstavljal sem 10 fotografij, ki so bile na ogled na prostem, do konca septembra 2021.  Fotografije so tiskane na forex v velikosti 100 x 150 cm. Posnete so bile na Kmetiji Janhar v Hrašah. Hvala vsem...

Article about G.Tate

EN News
Follow the link to read an article in Washington City Paper, (published on January 4th, 2022) about acclaimed author and musician Greg Tate, who unfortunately died in December 2021. It is  illustrated with my pictures, that I did at Ai Confini Tra Sardegna E Jazz 2019...

G.Baby Sommer & F.Puglisi

EN News
At the end of year 2021 came out CD “Elements” It is illustrated with two of my pictures that I did at Ai Confini Tra Sardegna E Jazz 2021 festival. Follow the links to get more information about it. Günter Baby Sommer & Fabrizio Puglisi “Elements” AUT Records,...

Razstava na FDV

EN News
Razstava “Cloud Arrangers” na Fakulteti za družbene vede v Ljubljani do konca februarja 2022. / An exhibition “Cloud Arrangers” at Faculty of social sciences in Ljubljana until the end of February...