Announcements in media – support the project!

Only with enough of the support, project  “Brötzmann, In my focus” on Kickstarter, the upcoming new photo book will be realised (even the smallest support counts).  In this post I will try to keep all project-related posts up to date here. Both from the media and individual supporters. Thank you all very much!  Meanwhile, I am preparing myself on a start of the crowdfunding. Pre-launch of the project for my new upcoming book  has been activated yesterday evening! If interested, please press “Notify me on launch”.

Launch of the project will be on a special day, 23rd of May 2024 and it will be active for 33 days. Usually I am not reminding anyone on my birthday, but this year is going to be special for me – that means launch of the crowdfunding for the book, my 60th anniversary and on 24th I am going to build up my new exhibition dedicated to Peter Brötzmann, (pioneer of European free-jazz) in Warsaw’s Pardon ToTu (Poland), one of the best jazz clubs in Europe. I am happy to be part of this special events  3 Nights In Tribute To Peter Brötzmann .

Thank you for your support and spreading the information  about crowdfunding to – here are first few announcements in media:

Metropolitan (Slovenia); Freistil (Austria); Elle (Slovenia); Salt Peanuts (Norway); Jazz Italia (Italy); Jazz Pages / Jazz in Germany; Corbett VS. Dempsey Newsletter, U.S.A.; Pardon To Tu (Poland), , Portugal

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